
别名:秘密 〜The Revelation〜/秘密~トップシークレット~/最高机密


标签:日本 刑侦 社会 剧情 类型:日本动漫 年份:2008 版本:日语 tv


“秘密”科学警察研究所法医第九实验室是一个将受害者的脑组织取出,利用生前记忆图像重现技术来解开悬案真相的单位。The first case was the murder of a head of state who was praised by thousands of people. He betrayed his completely hidden thoughts during his lifetime only because of the eyes in his memory, which caused him to bear a false name after he was killed... The second cruel case is When a cruel murder suspected to be imitating the case 5 years ago occurred, the members of "Ninth" simultaneously pursued two incidents of the past and the present... -.
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